E-Bikes added to the Shared Micromobility (e-Scooter) program

Lady riding Bird bike

Beginning June 1, 2022, our two eScooter operators, Bird Canada and Neuron Mobility, will be adding shared eBikes to their fleet of shared devices. This will give Calgarians another option to make their way around the city.

Shared micromobility devices like e-Scooters and e-Bikes are safe, sustainable and low-cost “first and last mile" modes of transportation. They’re also a great way to reduce carbon emissions, relieve congestion and make streets safer by eliminating some car trips from our roads.

Shared e-Bikes will be permitted everywhere regular bikes can be used, and must follow the same rules that apply to bikes. See Cycling bylaws and safety tips for details.

You can get started by reviewing information about the Shared Micromobility program here and downloading the shared e-scooter/e-bike apps from our permitted operators:


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