Additional safety measures on our system

peace officer writing a ticket

You deserve to feel safe when riding with us. That’s why we’re taking additional steps to enhance safety for everyone who uses our transit system.

Beginning February 28, you may notice more Calgary Transit Peace Officers, Bylaw Officers, uniformed security guards and members of the Calgary Police Service across our system, proactively preventing disorder and providing help in emergency situations. 

Starting March 1, we’ll have Transit employee ambassadors at some CTrain station entrances, asking riders to show proof of fare payment. 

We’re also adding staff to help monitor our station, bus and CTrain security cameras and stay in contact with peace offices and other emergency responders.  

As always, riders with immediate safety concerns are encouraged to report them:

  • To the bus or CTrain operator, uniformed peace officer or law enforcement authorities,
  • By text to 74100 (standard message rates may apply),
  • Through the help phones located on CTrain stations, platforms and MAX Purple stations, or
  • By phone at 403-262-1000, option 1.

For emergencies, always call 9-1-1.

You’re reminded that Provincial rules still require you to wear face coverings while riding with us. 


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