How has Calgary Transit Affected You?

How has Calgary Transit made a difference for you this past year?  Click here to tell your story!

It’s been another interesting year for all of us as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.   We’re pleased to say that we are continuing to work hard to provide our customers safe, reliable public transportation services.  Keeping you connected across Calgary remains our priority.  Do you have a story to share about how Calgary Transit has made a difference in your life this year?  We want to hear it!  Share your story so that we can pass it along to our employees.  It makes for a bright spot in their days to know their efforts matter and are appreciated.

So share your story by visiting or Tweet @CalgaryTransit.

On December 8, the Calgary Tower will be lit up in red as a salute to all of our employees and the work they do to connect Calgarians and their communities, safely.


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