SE Express Routes

We’re making some changes to express bus routes in the communities of McKenzie Lake, Douglasdale, Douglas Glen and Cranston. 

Beginning August 30, 2021, Routes 102, 103, 110 and 133 will be replaced with Route 131 – East Bow Express. 

These express routes have been suspended since the COVID-19 pandemic caused drastic reductions in ridership and demand throughout the city. The new Route 131 will provide similar coverage and service to the affected communities, and will be more resilient to changes in ridership. There will be less risk of service being reduced or suspended, and more flexibility to add service or use larger buses, depending on customer needs.

Route 131 – East Bow Express, will also provide more downtown-oriented trips for customers in the communities and better frequency along Douglasdale Blvd, Mt McKenzie Drive and McKenzie Lake Blvd.

Take a look at the new Route 131 here.


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