Thank Your Driver Day

They might be the first people to greet you each morning. They help you get to work, school, appointments, special events and more. They give directions, navigate detours, drive in severe weather, maintain a timed scheduled and keep customers safe through it all.

They’re our bus, CTrain and Accessible Services operators, and on Thursday, March 19 we encourage Calgarians to say thanks! Thank Your Driver Day is a chance to show appreciation for the work that transit operators do 365 days a year.

Our drivers regularly go above and beyond the call of duty to make life better for Calgarians. Bus operator Vincent Fleck saved a family of six from a house fire when he noticed flames coming from a house along his route. Sometimes an operator just makes your day with a friendly chat, helps you with directions or surprises you with a cup of coffee, like bus operator Harpreet Gill recently did for one of his customers.

Is there a special driver that you’d like to thank? Here’s how you can do it:


  • Fill out our thank you form and we’ll pass the message on!
  • Share your thanks on Twitter or Instagram @CalgaryTransit and use the hashtag #thanksCT
  • Say thanks to your driver in-person, or give them a friendly smile or wave
  • Give your driver a hand-written card or note


Did you know?

Thank Your Driver Day is traditionally held in March in cities around the world. On March 18, 1662, bus service debuted in Paris with horse-drawn carriages.

Calgary Transit employs over 2,000 shuttle, bus and CTrain operators, and over 80 Accessible Service Operators.


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