We’re hiring!

Calgary Transit Recruitment

In an effort to return to pre-pandemic service levels, we’re hiring for key roles that are vital to getting Calgarians where they need to go.

We’re recruiting up to 400 Transit Operators over the next four weeks and later this year, we’ll be recruiting around 400 additional Transit Operators. There is also a posting for eight Journeyperson 1 – Truck and Transport Technicians who will ensure vehicles are maintained and safe as they transport Calgarians throughout the city.

Additional staff will help improve the level of service we’re able to provide for customers throughout the city and reduce the strain on our current employees by providing adequate coverage for retirements, career movement and development, vacation and sick time.

Calgary Transit provides an important service to Calgarians and impacts people every day. We enable Calgarians from all over the city to access opportunities, services and activities, and to participate in their communities.

For more information about these positions, the hiring process or to submit an application, visit calgarytransit.com/careers


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