Winter Service Changes

Winter service changes begin December 18

Throughout the year, we review our bus routes and schedules to see if there are areas where we can improve service. We take several factors into consideration, including feedback and ridership levels, to ensure we’re meeting the needs of Calgarians. 

The Winter Service Changes come into effect on Monday, December 18.

Northeast Transit Service Review

As part of the winter service changes, we're changing some bus routes in northeast Calgary to improve transit service in that area. For more details about these changes, visit

Route Description

Route 59 - Savanna

Route 59 is realigned to extend coverage in Savanna. The route will be served by standard buses rather than shuttle buses, increasing capacity. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 100 - Airport

Route 100 is realigned to end at Saddletowne Station rather than McKnight/Westwinds Station and will travel on Airport Trail NE between Barlow Trail and 36 Street NE. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 128 - East Skyview Ranch/Redstone

Route 128 is being realigned through Cityscape, Cornerstone, Redstone and Skyview Ranch. Peak frequency has been improved to 10 minutes, mid-day frequency improved to 20 minutes, and evening/weekend frequency improved to 28-30 minutes. The span of service for Route 128 has been improved to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week to match Route 145. Please view the revised map and schedule.

NEW Route 136 - Corner Meadows/Cornerstone

Route 136 is a new route added to service Corner Meadows and Cornerbrook, with peak service provided from Monday to Friday. Please view the new map and schedule.

Route 145 - West Skyview Ranch/Redstone

Route 145 realigned through Skyview Ranch and Redstone. Weekday mid-day frequency is improved to 20 minutes. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 157 - West Stoney Industrial

Route 157 is realigned and replaces Route 161, serving North Pointe, Stoney Garage and Saddletowne Station. Weekend service is added. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 161 - North Pointe Terminal/Stoney Industrial

Route cancelled.  Replaced with revised Route 157.
Please view the Route 157 map and schedule.


Service changes

Route Description
Route 1 - Bowness/Forest Lawn

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 16 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 2 - Mt. Pleasant / Killarney 17 Ave.

Southbound weekday trip at 5:20 a.m. has been moved to 5:18 a.m. to even out frequency. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 3 - Sandstone / Elbow Drive

Weekday trip added at 2:55 p.m. from 5 Avenue/2 Street S.W.
Weekday and weekend service extended until 1:00 a.m. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 4 - Huntington

Westbound 6 Avenue @ 3 Street S.W. stop number has been changed from #5121 to #5120. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 7 - Marda Loop

Weekday afternoon peak service trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 9 - Dalhousie / Chinook

Northbound weekday trips have been added at 7:21 a.m. and 4:01 p.m.

Southbound weekday trips have been added at 7:20 a.m. and 3:40 p.m.

Please view the revised North and South schedules.

Route 17 - Renfrew / Ramsay

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 32 minutes. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 19 - 16 Ave. North

The following stop has been removed:

  • #6723 - Eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. @ 20A Street N.W.

The following stop has been added:

  • #6725 - Southbound 19 Street N.W. @ 16 Avenue N.W.

Please view the revised schedule.

Route 20 - Heritage / Northmount

Weekday trips at 3:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. have been added to improve the frequency of service during peak times. Weekday frequency has also been revised to every 14 minutes during peak times. Weekday off-peak and weekend frequency has been revised to every 28 minutes. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 23 - 52 St. East

Weekend service frequency has been improved to every 20-21 minutes. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 33 - Vista Heights / Rundle

Weekday trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 34 - Pineridge

Weekday morning service frequency has been improved to every 15-18 minutes. New evening service added. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 38 - Brentwood / Temple

Westbound morning school trips have been adjusted to start in Temple instead of Whitehorn Station. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 40 - Crowfoot / North Hill

The following stop has been removed:

  • #6723 - Eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. @ 20A Street N.W.

Please view the revised schedule.

Route 43 - McKnight / Chinook

Weekday peak service frequency has been revised to every 10 minutes, and every 20-21 minutes mid-day, and every 20 minutes in the evenings. Weekend service frequency has been revised to every 23-25 minutes. Run times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 51 - Westhills / Discovery Ridge

Northbound and southbound weekday trips have been added to help improve an earlier start of service in the morning. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 53 - Brentwood / Greenwood

Weekday service extended until 1:00 a.m. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 57 - Monterey Park / McCall Way

Westbound weekday 7:48 a.m. arrival time increased to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 58 - Erin Woods / 44 St. S.E.

Afternoon school trips have been adjusted to start from Marlborough Station instead of Erinwoods. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 59 - Savanna

Route 59 is realigned to extend coverage in Savanna. The route will be served by standard buses rather than shuttle buses, increasing capacity. Please view the revised map and schedule

Route 68 - 68 St. East

Mid-day weekday service has been adjusted to every 37 minutes. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 82 - Nolan Hill

Southbound weekday trip has been added at 6:53 a.m. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 85 - Martin Crossing

Weekday and weekend service frequency has been adjusted to every 26-27 minutes. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 90 - Bridgeland / University of Calgary

Weekday service frequency has been adjusted to every 28 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 91 - Foothills Medical Centre

The following stop has been removed:

  • #6723 - Eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. @ 20A Street N.W.

Please view the revised schedule.

Route 94 - Strathcona / Westhills

Northbound and southbound weekday trips have been added to help improve an earlier start of service in the morning. Please view the revised North and South schedules.

Route 98 - Cougar Ridge

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 33 minutes. Weekend service frequency has been revised to every 35 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 100 - Airport

Route 100 is realigned to end at Saddletowne Station rather than McKnight/Westwinds Station and will travel on Airport Trail NE between Barlow Trail and 36 Street NE. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 101 - Inglewood

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 50 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 111 - Old Banff Coach Road

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 30 minutes and late night frequency to every 50 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 115 - Symons Valley Parkway

Weekday and weekend service frequency has been revised to every 40 minutes. Trip times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 119 - Freeport

Route 119 will change to the westside Saddletowne Station terminal. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 123 - Sage Hill / North Pointe

Weekday inbound trips have been added at 7:02 a.m., 7:05 a.m., 7:08 a.m., and 3:25 p.m.
Weekday outbound trips have been added at 4:10 p.m., 4:15 p.m., and 4:55 p.m. Please view the revised Inbound and Outbound schedules.

Route 124 - Evanston

Weekday inbound trips have been added at 7:20 a.m., 7:27 a.m., 8:33 a.m., 3:25 p.m. and 4:57 p.m.
Weekday outbound trips have been added at 3:02 p.m., 3:51 p.m., and 4:36 p.m. Please view the revised Inbound and Outbound schedules.

Route 128 - East Skyview Ranch/Redstone

Route 128 is being realigned through Cityscape, Cornerstone, Redstone and Skyview Ranch. Peak frequency has been improved to 10 minutes, mid-day frequency improved to 20 minutes, and evening/weekend frequency improved to 28-30 minutes. The span of service for Route 128 has been improved to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week to match Route 145. Please view the revised map and schedule

Route 129 - Dalhousie / Sage Hill

Northbound weekday trip from Dalhousie has been added at 4 p.m.
Southbound weekday trip from Sage Hill has been added at 4:31 p.m. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 131 - East Bow Express

Southbound 24 Street S.E. @ Douglas Glen Gate stop number has been changed from #7973 to #9138. Please view the revised schedule.

NEW Route 136 - Corner Meadows/Cornerstone

Route 136 is a new route added to service Corner Meadows and Cornerbrook, with peak service provided from Monday to Friday. Please view the new map and schedule.

Route 145 - West Skyview Ranch/Redstone

Route 145 realigned through Skyview Ranch and Redstone. Weekday mid-day frequency is improved to 20 minutes. Please view the revised map and schedule

Route 156 - Aspen Woods

Weekday and weekend service frequency has been revised to every 33 minutes. Run times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 157 - West Stoney Industrial

Route 157 is realigned and replaces Route 161, serving North Pointe, Stoney Garage and Saddletowne Station. Weekend service is added. Please view the revised map and schedule.

Route 161 - North Pointe Terminal/Stoney Industrial

Route cancelled.  Replaced with revised Route 157.
Please view the revised Route 157 map and schedule.

Route 164 - Aspen Summit

Northbound stop change, the bus will now travel to stop #8373 at the 69 Station terminal. Northbound and southbound weekday trips have been added to help improve an earlier start of service in the morning. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 167 - Walden / Legacy CCW

7:48 a.m. trip converted to school trip and 8:02 a.m. trip converted to regular trip. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 300 - BRT Airport / City Centre

Weekday evening trips revised to improve schedule adherence. Weekend 12:06 a.m. trip added from the airport. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 301 - BRT North

Weekday and weekend service extended until 1:00 a.m. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 303 - MAX Orange / Brentwood / Saddletowne

Westbound weekday 6:56 a.m. trip added and schedule revised. Saddletowne stop change, the bus will now travel to stop #2376. Eastbound weekday frequency between 4:15 - 6:00 p.m. revised to every 6-9 minutes. Weekend service frequency has been revised to every 30-33 minutes to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised East and West schedules.

Route 304 - MAX Yellow City Centre / Woodpark

Southbound weekday trips added at 6:51 and 7:10 a.m., and northbound at 2:40 p.m. to help with service volumes. Please view the revised North and South schedules.

Route 307 - MAX Purple City Centre / East Hills

Eastbound weekday run times have been adjusted to improve schedule adherence during evening peak times. Weekend service frequency has been revised to every 27 minutes to improve schedule adherence. Please view the revised schedule.

Route 414 - 14 St. Crosstown

Weekday service frequency has been revised to every 30 minutes during peak periods. Please view the revised schedule.


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