privacy statement

Calgary Transit is committed to providing a website that respects your privacy. This statement summarizes the privacy policy and practices on the website and all associated systems, processes and applications under the direct control of Calgary Transit. Calgary Transit is subject to Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

Privacy​​ overview

Calgary Transit does not automatically gather any personal information from you. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily through contacting Calgary Transit via email or online forms or by setting up a user account. 

When you visit, Calgary Transit’s web server automatically collects a limited amount of standard information essential to the operation and evaluation of Calgary Transits’s website. This information includes:

  • the page from which you arrived,
  • the date and time of your page request,
  • the Internet Protocol (IP) address your computer is using to receive information,
  • the type and version of your browser, and
  • the name and size of the file you requested.

This information is not used to identify individuals who come to The City’s website. This information is only used to help Calgary Transit assess its information services and is collected in compliance with Section 33 (c) of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

Information Collected ​through the Feedback Forms or Service Requests

The personal information you submit through Calgary Transit’s Customer Feedback Forms – including email address and contact information – is collected by Calgary Transit's Web Group solely for the purpose of responding to your information or service request.

​This information is not disclosed except to authorized personnel (Calgary Transit staff or Contractors) for the purpose of addressing your feedback. Any personal information you submit to Calgary Transit is secured once it reaches Calgary Transit’s server. However, Calgary Transit cannot guarantee the security of your information before it reaches Calgary Transit’s server.


Cookies are temporary files that may be placed on your hard drive while you visit a website. Cookies are used to track how visitors use, but Calgary Transit does not store personal information through cookies, nor does Calgary Transit collect personal information from you without your knowledge as you browse this website. Any cookies on are used to aid in the collection of anonymous statistical information such as:

  • browser type
  • screen size,
  • traffic patterns,
  • pages visited.

This information helps Calgary Transit improve both and its service to citizens. It is not disclosed to any third parties. However, if you are concerned about cookies, you can adjust your web browser to reject all cookies. All site features with the exception of the interac​tive map should function normally if cookies are disabled.

Security and​ IP addre​sses

Your computer uses a unique IP address when browsing the Internet. Calgary Transit may collect IP addresses to monitor any security breaches on and other online services. No attempt is made to identify users or their usage patterns unless unauthorized use of Calgary Transit’s website is detected or is required for a law enforcement investigation. IP addresses are stored for a term that complies with Calgary Transit’s existing auditing requirements.

Privacy and E​xternal Links

The website contains links to external sites that are not associated with Calgary Transit. Calgary Transit is not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of these other websites and Calgary Transit encourages you to examine each site's privacy policy and disclaimers before providing any personal information.

More Information

Please use the methods on our contact us page to request more information.

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