Regional Transit

We are working with the following transit groups in the Calgary area to improve service to out-of-town commuters:

Airdrie ICE

Looking for an easy and affordable way to travel between Calgary and Airdrie? The Intercity Express (ICE) is your connection between Airdrie and Calgary.

Accessible, affordable and convenient, ICE offers three routes that provide easy access to Calgary.  Connections to our CTrains and buses are simple as ICE stops are shared with ours (separate fare required). 

For more information including up-to-date route maps, schedules, fares and general information please visit


Airdrie ICE bus

Chestermere - MAX Purple extension

This service, paid for by the City of Chestermere, is an extension of MAX Purple for two trips twice a day (during a.m. and p.m. peak times). These trips see MAX Purple continuing its route past East Hills and on to Chestermere.

Regional cooperation is an important part of being good neighbours and the cities of Calgary and Chestermere are pleased to work together to extend transit service to Chestermere.

Use our schedule or plan a trip tool to find out when you can catch this bus.


On-It is a regional public transit system that connects communities to Calgary.

To find out more visit


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