In the Community

We are committed to strengthening Calgary’s community. We are proud to be part of making a difference in Calgary.

Here are some of the ways that we are involved:

  • Stuff a Bus

    Annually, we partner with the Calgary Food Bank, Calgary Co-Op, and XL103 Radio to raise food and cash donations for the Calgary Food Bank. It has become one of Calgary’s largest single-day food drives and has grown since it started in 1992.

  • Calgary Alpha House

    We’ve partnered with Calgary Alpha House to help our city’s vulnerable population connect to medical aid, housing support and addiction services. The DOAP-Transit partnership pairs a Downtown Outreach Addictions Partnership (DOAP) outreach worker with a peace officer to work as a team across transit lines. The DOAP transit teams build relationships with vulnerable individuals and achieve positive, long-term solutions. The DOAP transit teams interact with Calgarians facing homelessness or addiction, troubled youth and people with developmental disabilities to help these individuals find the resources they need.

  • Magic of Christmas

    Each year we provide buses and volunteers to help deliver gifts to over 400 families and thousands of patients in care facilities throughout the city. Learn more about how this event delivers more than just gifts to these families during Christmas.

  • United Way

    The City of Calgary is a proud supporter of the United Way. In 2013 The City raised over $400,000 through various funding raising events and a pledge drive.

  • Calgary White Hat Awards

    We are an annual sponsor of the Calgary White Hat Awards. For over 50 years the Calgary White Hat Awards has recognized Calgary’s great ambassadors of hospitality from across the tourism industry. The Awards are a tribute to the exceptional customer service that welcomes guests to our city.

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