Accurate, consistent and timely information helps our customers make decisions.  They want to know about possible disruptions that impact their commute – but also about future plans, fare changes and service changes.  

Where we’re at (Calgary Transit)



These results are an index of general perceptions of the information we provide, as well as perceptions of the quality of information our customers accessed most recently.


Where we're at (Calgary Transit Access)


These results show the percentage of customers who report receiving enough information from Calgary Transit Access in order to use their services successfully.

What we did in 2019

  • Added resources to communications to better share information with customers.
  • Set standards and increasing the frequency of information shared during planned and unplanned service disruptions.
  • Trouble-shooted and addressed the accuracy of the predicted arrival times for buses and CTrains.
  • Added more digital displays along the LRT and MAX lines.
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