Customers depend on Calgary Transit to get them to their destinations on time.  We do our best to minimize delays; however some circumstances are beyond our control, such as inclement weather, traffic and road conditions, police emergencies and medical emergencies.

Where we're at (CTrain)


Why this graph only shows 2017 data: The systems providing CTrain reliability data were part of a pilot project. The pilot support was discontinued and Calgary Transit is currently working on a permanent replacement, pending funding.

This graph shows the number of major CTrain delays (greater than 30 minutes) per month.

CTrain delays of 30 minutes or more are caused either by internal or external factors. Examples of external factors include weather, a vehicle blocking the tracks, pedestrian or vehicle contact with trains, and passenger emergencies. Examples of internal factors include mechanical breakdowns and traction power and signal systems failures.

Where we're at (Bus)

Bus reliability is measured by the percentage of buses departing major bus stops on time (-1 to +5 minutes). This is measured by Automatic Vehicle Locators, which are GPS systems on every bus.

Where we're at (Calgary Transit Access)


The on-time performance for Calgary Transit Access is measured by the driver’s arrival time versus the scheduled pick up time, within a 20-minute pickup window.

What we did in 2019

  • Implementied a fourth MAX service in the southwest and revised related routes to improve transit network efficiency.
  • Based on approved funding, continued to retire the oldest CTrain cars (U2s) to improve LRT reliability.
  • Updated the ACE Card technology for greater reliability (Calgary Transit Access).
  • Continued to support and implement reliability-centered maintenance in transit fleet.
  • Through more available data and analysis, made improvements to the schedules of bus routes that are most unreliable.
  • Increased management for buses that are running ahead of schedule.
  • Implemented new ways of servicing buses to reduce the number of on-road breakdowns.
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